Legalized Marijuana in US: States Where Cannabis is Legal

The Growing Legality of Marijuana in the US

As the debate over the legalization of marijuana continues to evolve, more and more states are joining the movement to legalize the use of this once controversial substance. The landscape of marijuana legalization in the US has changed drastically in recent years, and it`s important to stay informed about which states have legalized marijuana for both medical and recreational use.

Medical Marijuana Legalization

Currently, 36 states in the US have legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes. The table below provides a comprehensive overview of these states, including the year in which medical marijuana was legalized:

State Year Legalized
California 1996
Colorado 2000
Florida 2016
Oregon 1998
Washington 1998

Recreational Marijuana Legalization

In addition to medical marijuana, 15 states in the US have also legalized the recreational use of marijuana. The table below outlines these states and the year in which recreational marijuana was legalized:

State Year Legalized
Alaska 2014
California 2016
Colorado 2012
Oregon 2014
Washington 2012

As the trend towards marijuana legalization continues to gain momentum, it`s important to keep abreast of the latest developments in this area. With a growing number of states legalizing both medical and recreational marijuana, the landscape of marijuana legislation in the US is rapidly changing.


Top 10 Legal Questions About States That Have Legalized Marijuana in the US

Question Answer
1. Which states have legalized marijuana for recreational use? As of now, 18 states and Washington D.C. have legalized marijuana for recreational use. These states include Alaska, California, Colorado, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont, and Washington.
2. Can I legally purchase marijuana in these states? Yes, if you are of legal age and purchase from a licensed dispensary or retailer.
3. Are there any restrictions on where I can consume marijuana? Yes, in most states, you cannot consume marijuana in public places. Consumption is generally restricted to private residences.
4. Can I travel with marijuana between these states? It is illegal to transport marijuana across state lines, even if both states have legalized it.
5. What are the legal limits for possession of marijuana in these states? Laws vary by state, but generally, individuals are permitted to possess up to one ounce of marijuana for recreational use.
6. Can I grow my own marijuana plants in these states? Again, laws differ by state, but many states allow individuals to grow a limited number of plants for personal use.
7. Are there any employment protections for marijuana users in these states? It depends on state. Some states have laws that protect employees from being fired for off-duty marijuana use, while others do not.
8. Can I be arrested for marijuana possession in a state that has legalized it? Yes, if you possess more than the legal limit or violate other regulations, you can still face legal consequences.
9. Can I still be charged with a DUI for driving under the influence of marijuana? Yes, driving under the influence of marijuana is illegal and can result in a DUI charge.
10. What is the federal government`s stance on marijuana legalization? Despite the legalization in many states, marijuana remains classified as a Schedule I controlled substance by the federal government, and its possession, sale, and use are still illegal under federal law.


Legal Contract: Legalization of Marijuana in the United States

This contract outlines the legal status of marijuana legalization in the United States and the applicable laws and regulations.

Parties Legalization Marijuana United States
1. Introduction Whereas, the legalization of marijuana is a complex and evolving legal issue in the United States;
2. Legal Status Whereas, the legalization of marijuana is governed by state laws and regulations, with varying degrees of legality across different states;
3. Applicable Laws Whereas, the legality of marijuana is determined by state-specific legislation and in some cases, by voter-approved initiatives;
4. Compliance Whereas, individuals and businesses involved in the marijuana industry must comply with the laws and regulations of the state in which they operate;
5. Governing Law This contract shall be governed by the laws of the United States and the relevant state laws pertaining to the legalization of marijuana;

In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this contract as of the date first above written.



